Regional Species Checklists
Stephens County, Georgia, United States
The BAMONA database currently includes verified sighting records for 598 species from this region.
Pyralidae Pyralid Moths
Hypsopygia costalis Clover Hayworm Moth
Aglossa disciferalis Pink-masked Pyralid Moth
Pyralis farinalis Meal Moth
Dolichomia intermedialis Red-shawled Moth
Thyrididae Thyridid Moths
Pseudothyris sepulchralis Mournful Thyris
Eriocraniidae Eriocraniid Moths
Pterophoridae Pterophorid Moths, Plume Moths
Geometridae Geometer Moths, Looper Moths
Patalene olyzonaria Juniper Geometer
Epimecis hortaria Tulip-Tree Beauty
Melanolophia signataria Signate Melanolophia
Plagodis fervidaria Fervid Plagodis
Euchlaena obtusaria Obtuse Euchlaena
Protoboarmia porcelaria Porcelain Gray
Petrophora divisata Common Petrophora Moth
Phigalia strigataria Small Phigalia
Speranza pustularia Lesser Maple Spanworm Moth
Anavitrinella pampinaria Common Gray
Besma quercivoraria Oak Besma
Iridopsis defectaria Brown-shaded Gray
Macaria fissinotata Hemlock Angle
Macaria granitata Granite Moth
Glenoides texanaria Texas Gray
Euchlaena amoenaria Deep Yellow Euchlaena
Antepione thisoaria Variable Antipione
Cleora sublunaria Double-lined Gray
Plagodis alcoolaria Hollow-spotted Plagodis
Macaria multilineata Many-lined Angle
Lomographa glomeraria Gray Spring Moth
Tetracis cachexiata White Slant-line
Prochoerodes lineola Large Maple Spanworm Moth
Nepytia semiclusaria Southern Neptyia
Metarranthis obfirmaria Yellow-washed Metarranthis
Trigrammia quadrinotaria Four-spotted Angle
Ectropis crepuscularia The Small Engrailed
Digrammia gnophosaria Hollow-spotted Angle
Phaeoura quernaria Oak Beauty
Hypagyrtis unipunctata One-Spotted Variant
Selenia kentaria Kent's Geometer
Iridopsis larvaria Bent-Lined Gray
Xanthotype urticaria False Crocus Geometer
Macaria transitaria Blurry Chocolate Angle
Melanolophia canadaria Canadian melanolophia
Eutrapela clemataria Curved-Toothed Geometer
Eusarca confusaria Confused Eusarca
Glena cribrataria Dotted Gray
Lambdina pellucidaria Yellow-headed Looper
Plagodis pulveraria American Barred Umber
Phigalia denticulata Toothed Phigalia
Lytrosis unitaria Common Lytrosis
Chloropteryx tepperaria Angle Winged Emerald Moth
Nemoria lixaria Red-bordered Emerald
Hethemia pistasciaria Pistachio Emerald
Synchlora frondaria Southern Emerald
Nemoria bistriaria Red-fringed Emerald
Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria Blackberry Looper Moth
Orthonama obstipata The Gem
Anticlea multiferata Many-lined Carpet
Disclisioprocta stellata Somber Carpet
Horisme intestinata Brown Bark Carpet
Rheumaptera prunivorata Ferguson's Scallop Shell
Dyspteris abortivaria The Bad-wing
Heterophleps triguttaria Three-spotted Fillip
Costaconvexa centrostrigaria The Bent-line Carpet
Gandaritis atricolorata Dark-banded Geometer
Xanthorhoe lacustrata Toothed Brown Carpet
Alsophila pometaria Fall Cankerworm Moth
Idaea tacturata Dot-lined Wave
Pleuroprucha insulsaria Common Tan Wave
Idaea demissaria Red-Bordered Wave
Idaea furciferata Notch-winged Wave
Cyclophora packardi Packard's Wave
Scopula limboundata Large Lace-border
Idaea obfusaria Rippled Wave
Uraniidae Swallowtail Moths
Calledapteryx dryopterata Brown Scoopwing
Mimallonidae Mimallonid Moths
Lacosoma chiridota Scalloped Sack-bearer
Apatelodidae Apatelodid Moths
Apatelodes torrefacta Spotted Apatelodes Moth
Lasiocampidae Lasiocampid Moths
Malacosoma disstria Forest Tent Caterpillar Moth
Heteropacha rileyana Riley's Lappet Moth
Malacosoma americanum Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth
Phyllodesma americana Lappet Moth
Tolype velleda Large Tolype Moth
Artace cribraria Dot-lined White
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