Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Regional Butterfly and Moth Information

Top 20 Commonly Reported Butterflies and Moths of Honduras

These are the most commonly reported butterflies and moths in Honduras. If you do not see the species you found, look at all photographs submitted in Honduras, or visit the Honduras page to see recently submitted sightings.

Black Swallowtail
Papilio polyxenes

Lamplight Actinote
Altinote ozomene

Chisos Banded-Skipper
Autochton cincta

Polydamas Swallowtail
Battus polydamas

Ruddy Daggerwing
Marpesia petreus

American Lady
Vanessa virginiensis

Arizona Sister
Adelpha eulalia

Tropical Leafwing
Anaea aidea

Fine-lined Hairstreak
Arawacus sito

Yellow-tipped Flasher
Astraptes anaphus

Theona Checkerspot
Chlosyne theona

Stub-tailed Gemmed-Satyr
Cyllopsis hedemanni

Three-spotted Skipper
Cymaenes tripunctus

Anna's Eighty-eight
Diaethria anna

Banded Orange Heliconian
Dryadula phaetusa

Julia Heliconian
Dryas iulia

Common Banner
Epiphile adrasta

We can help identify your butterfly or moth!

If you know the date and location where the photograph was taken, we can help. It's simple!

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  Submit a Sighting

A coordinator will review your submission, and you will get an email with the identification.

We will store your submitted data. Your submission will contribute to our species profiles, checklists, and database. You can track all your submissions and create a personal species list.

Identifying Caterpillars

Do you have a photograph of a caterpillar? If so, when you submit your photograph, please provide us with host plant information if possible. Consider raising it to the adult stage before submitting photographs.

Surprisingly, most of the larval stages of butterflies and moths are simply unknown, and caterpillar photographs can be very difficult to identify. It may take some time for a coordinator to identify your caterpillar.

Browse all caterpillar images

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