Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Long-harped Plume Moth
Hellinsia arion (Barnes & Lindsey, 1921)

Family: Pterophoridae
Subfamily: Pterophorinae
Identification: The head, thorax and abdomen are evenly dotted with brownish grey and white scales. There are single blackish dorsal dots in hind margins of the segments of the abdomen. The antennae have grey-brown and white scales, finely banded. The costal margin of the forewings is dark brownish grey, lighter outward with a heavy spot beyond the base of the cleft. The remainder of the wing is lighter brownish grey with white scales. There is a small dark dot in the cell and a larger one before the cleft. A few scattered dark scales are found near the inner margin. The fringes are darker than the wing and darkest in the cleft, cut by a few white hairs and tufts especially on the outer margin of the second lobe. The hindwings and fringes are light brownish grey.
Wing Span: 2.25 cm
Life History:
Flight: Late July to early August in Alberta.
Caterpillar Hosts:
Adult Food:
Range: Texas to Arizona and Alberta Canada
Management Needs:
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