Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

National Moth Week is July 20-28, 2024!

Moths are amazing creatures. Take photographs and share your moth sightings with us to document the moths where you live.

Variable Girdle Moth
Enypia venata (Grote, 1883)

Family: Geometridae
Subfamily: Ennominae
Identification: A mid-sized, grey geometrid with heavy grey speckling and a dark broad median band, with a heavily scalloped border. Hindwing paler, with a faint PM line. Discal spot black, not white as in Caripeta species. Very similar to Nepytia species (particulary freemani), but in Enypia the forewing PM line comes closest to the wing margin near the apex (where it joins the costa), and in Nepytia the PM line is is nearest the wing margin in the subapica (not apical) area. Distinguished from E. griseata by the AM line, which jogs out to the discal spot in venata - the discal spot is well-separated from the AM band in griseata.
Wing Span:
Life History:
Caterpillar Hosts: conifers. Western hemlock (Tsuga), Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga), and spruce (Picea)
Adult Food:
Habitat: Montane coniferous forest.
Range: Southern Alaska to New Mexico, east to western Alberta (McGuffin 1987).
Management Needs:
Taxonomy Notes: None.
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