Observation date: August 12, 2023
Submitted by: Dobber31
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Observed nectaring on Coyote mint north of Monitor Pass. S. Zerene is my best guess for what this is. Thanks for your help Ken, I'm still learning my Frits in this part of the state. I saw some other Speyeria on this trip... S. cybele in a canyon a few miles from Antelope Valley, S. mormo near Mono Lake, and I believe egleis and zerene up near Sonora Pass. My photography on this trip was extremely hampered by a glitched out lens so I lost the chance to capture many that were right in my sights.
Status: Resident
Verified by: Ken Davenport
Verified date: August 16, 2023
Coordinator notes: Subspecies malcolmi