Observation date: February 26, 2023
Submitted by: Marta Reece
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: On Indian Hollow Trail in the streambed near Monkey Rock. Winds on the trail were 40-50 mph. It was right before the dust storm with nearly 0% visibility. The streambed was sheltered a bit, but I was surprised to see the Leafwing (and the Sara Orangetip) still out and about. Temperature was in the 60s.
Status: Resident
Verified by: stevecary
Verified date: March 02, 2023
Coordinator notes: Early? yes, by about 3 months! sheesh. I suppose this is evidence that Tropical Leafwing is now a breeding resident in the Organ Mountains. very cool! thanks for sharing Melissa's observation. BTW, this is Tropical because of the wavy wing margin and black dot near the stubby HW tail.