Observation date: February 24, 2018
Submitted by: Jeanette Navia
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: This thing was flitting around so fast I could not get a decent photo. The opened wings were bright blue. I believe this photo does show the markings of a Holly Azure, but I would not be surprised if I'm wrong. The temperature today was 80 degrees F, which for February here in Virginia is uncommonly hot. Sunny. It was on a wooded trail - lots of American holly trees, but also persimmons and pines. I do not know what the string near it is (probably someone's dental floss) but it was not attached to the butterfly or anything.
Status: Resident
Verified by: drerbium
Verified date: June 25, 2022
Coordinator notes: There are many different approaches to subdividing what used to all be called spring azures. This one is early, coastal and lighter underneath. Some people say there is a spring form of the summer azure flying this early. So it would really help to have a better angle and a dorsal view. So, I am going out a bit on a limb and saying this looks most like a Holly azure.
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