Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

  Sighting 1005072

Observation date: August 22, 2014
Submitted by: finatic
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Attracted to UV light
Status: Resident
Verified by: kellyrichers
Verified date: September 05, 2014
Coordinator notes: I notice you are collecting or photographing in Pinal County. I keep lists of moths in AZ by county, and Pinal is underrepresented. If you could email your data to kerichers@wuesd.org I would appreciate it and I will add to the master county list-which I can then make available to you. Species, sex, specific location, date, where specimen is located if kept. collector or photographer.Thanks, Kelly
Checklist region(s): United States, Arizona, Pinal County