Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Near-record number of verified submissions in 2021

Thank you submitters and coordinators! BAMONA added 37,841 verified records to the database in 2021, just 136 records shy of the record high in 2020. As of this writing, 13,001 submissions have been verified so far in 2022. Let's keep it up and see if we can make it to 40,000 this year!

In May, BAMONA reached the milestone of over 900,000 verified records in the database. This is a testament to the hard work and dedication of volunteer coordinators and citizen scientists. Thank you!

Here's a complete breakdown of NEW VERIFIED SIGHTINGS ADDED each year for recent years:

  • 2021: 37,841
  • 2020: 37,987
  • 2019: 33,873
  • 2018: 35,792
  • 2017: 32,543
  • 2016: 29,785
  • 2015: 35,167
  • 2014: 28,842
  • 2013: 31,216