Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

  Sighting 1365622

Silver-spotted Skipper
Epargyreus clarus

Observation date: July 07, 2023
Date notes: since 2020, this Skipper Butterfly Sugar Bear, visits me, and we talk, have real conversations, 6/15 @11:22 am, 7/1 8:48 am, 7/5 @ 12:17pm, 7/15, 7/17 11;23am, 7/24 8:57 am, 7/24 12:54, 7/26 9:04am, 7/26 9:34 am, these are just the dates that I posted to Facebook, and when I am home, she WAITS for me outside on the umbrella, garbage pail or fire pit, my gloves, etc. Now I have 2 that visit, [1] lands on my hands when I call her, the other, I have to walk over to, for it to come on my finger. 4 years now, this Anomaly has been going on.
Submitted by: carriebutterfly
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: since 2020, this Skipper Butterfly Sugar Bear, visits me, and we talk, have real conversations, 6/15 @11:22 am, 7/1 8:48 am, 7/5 @ 12:17pm, 7/15, 7/17 11;23am, 7/24 8:57 am, 7/24 12:54, 7/26 9:04am, 7/26 9:34 am, these are just the dates that I posted to Facebook, and when I am home, she WAITS for me outside on the umbrella, garbage pail or fire pit, my gloves, etc. Now I have 2 that visit, [1] lands on my hands when I call her, the other, I have to walk over to, for it to come on my finger. 4 years now, this Anomaly has been going on. She actually flutters in teh sky with the second one as if to chase it away, and also chases away dragon flies.
Status: Resident
Verified by: jmgesell
Verified date: July 27, 2023
Coordinator notes: None.
Checklist region(s): United States, New York, Suffolk County