Regional Species Checklists
Richmond, Virginia, United States
The BAMONA database currently includes verified sighting records for 722 species from this region.
Hesperiidae Skippers
Epargyreus clarus Silver-spotted Skipper
Urbanus proteus Long-tailed Skipper
Achalarus lyciades Hoary Edge
Staphylus hayhurstii Hayhurst's Scallopwing
Erynnis juvenalis Juvenal's Duskywing
Erynnis horatius Horace's Duskywing
Erynnis baptisiae Wild Indigo Duskywing
Burnsius communis Common Checkered-Skipper
Pholisora catullus Common Sootywing
Lerema accius Clouded Skipper
Ancyloxypha numitor Least Skipper
Hylephila phyleus Fiery Skipper
Atalopedes campestris Sachem
Polites themistocles Tawny-edged Skipper
Polites origenes Crossline Skipper
Wallengrenia egeremet Northern Broken-Dash
Wallengrenia otho Southern Broken-Dash
Pompeius verna Little Glassywing
Poanes zabulon Zabulon Skipper
Poanes viator Broad-winged Skipper
Euphyes vestris Dun Skipper
Panoquina ocola Ocola Skipper
Calpodes ethlius Brazilian Skipper
Papilionidae Parnassians and Swallowtails
Battus philenor Pipevine Swallowtail
Neographium marcellus Zebra Swallowtail
Papilio polyxenes Black Swallowtail
Papilio glaucus Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Papilio troilus Spicebush Swallowtail
Papilio cresphontes Giant Swallowtail
Pieridae Whites and Sulphurs
Anthocharis midea Falcate Orangetip
Pieris rapae Cabbage White
Pontia protodice Checkered White
Colias philodice Clouded Sulphur
Colias eurytheme Orange Sulphur
Phoebis sennae Cloudless Sulphur
Abaeis nicippe Sleepy Orange
Nathalis iole Dainty Sulphur
Lycaenidae Gossamer-wing Butterflies
Feniseca tarquinius Harvester
Lycaena phlaeas American Copper
Callophrys gryneus Juniper Hairstreak
Satyrium calanus Banded Hairstreak
Calycopis cecrops Red-banded Hairstreak
Strymon melinus Gray Hairstreak
Parrhasius m album White-M Hairstreak
Cupido comyntas Eastern Tailed-Blue
Celastrina neglecta Summer Azure
Nymphalidae Brush-footed Butterflies
Libytheana carinenta American Snout
Danaus plexippus Monarch
Agraulis vanillae Gulf Fritillary
Euptoieta claudia Variegated Fritillary
Speyeria cybele Great Spangled Fritillary
Limenitis arthemis Red-spotted Purple or White Admiral
Limenitis arthemis astyanax 'Astyanax' Red-spotted Purple
Limenitis archippus Viceroy
Asterocampa celtis Hackberry Emperor
Asterocampa clyton Tawny Emperor
Chlosyne nycteis Silvery Checkerspot
Phyciodes tharos Pearl Crescent
Junonia coenia Common Buckeye
Polygonia interrogationis Question Mark
Polygonia comma Eastern Comma
Nymphalis antiopa Mourning Cloak
Vanessa virginiensis American Lady
Vanessa cardui Painted Lady
Vanessa atalanta Red Admiral
Satyrodes appalachia Appalachian Brown
Cyllopsis gemma Gemmed Satyr
Megisto cymela Little Wood-Satyr
Hermeuptychia sosybius Carolina Satyr
Cercyonis pegala Common Wood-Nymph
Saturniidae Wild Silk Moths
Antheraea polyphemus Polyphemus moth
Actias luna Luna moth
Hyalophora cecropia Cecropia silkmoth
Eacles imperialis Imperial moth
Dryocampa rubicunda Rosy maple moth
Anisota senatoria Orange-tipped oakworm moth
Anisota virginiensis Pink-striped oakworm moth
Sphingidae Sphinx Moths, Hawkmoths
Paratrea plebeja Plebeian sphinx
Agrius cingulata Pink-spotted hawkmoth
Manduca sexta Carolina sphinx
Ceratomia catalpae Catalpa sphinx
Paonias myops Small-eyed sphinx
Ceratomia undulosa Waved sphinx
Manduca rustica Rustic sphinx
Amorpha juglandis Walnut sphinx
Dolba hyloeus Pawpaw sphinx
Eumorpha achemon Achemon sphinx
Hemaris thysbe Hummingbird Clearwing
Xylophanes tersa Tersa Sphinx
Eumorpha pandorus Pandorus Sphinx
Sphecodina abbottii Abbott's sphinx
Hemaris diffinis Snowberry Clearwing
Eumorpha fasciatus Banded sphinx
Amphion floridensis Nessus sphinx
Darapsa myron Virginia creeper sphinx
Notodontidae Prominents
Heterocampa guttivitta Saddled Prominent
Lochmaeus bilineata Double-lined Prominent
Coelodasys unicornis Unicorn Caterpillar Moth
Oedemasia concinna Red-humped Caterpillar Moth
Lochmaeus manteo Variable Oakleaf Caterpillar Moth
Dasylophia anguina Black-Spotted Prominent
Furcula cinerea Gray Furcula
Cerura scitiscripta Black-Etched Prominent
Peridea angulosa Angulose Prominent
Datana ministra Yellow-necked Caterpillar Moth
Heterocampa obliqua Oblique Heterocampa
Furcula borealis White Furcula
Datana integerrima Walnut Caterpillar Moth
Nadata gibbosa White-dotted Prominent
Datana perspicua Spotted Datana
Paraeschra georgica Georgian Prominent
Nerice bidentata Double-toothed Prominent
Schizura ipomoeae Morning-glory Prominent
Datana contracta Contracted Datana
Clostera inclusa Angle-Lined Prominent
Noctuidae Owlet Moths, Miller Moths
Hyperstrotia secta Black-patched Graylet
Tarache aprica Exposed Bird-dropping Moth
Spragueia leo Common Spragueia
Lithacodia musta Small Mossy Lithacodia
Hyperstrotia flaviguttata Yellow-spotted Graylet
Protodeltote muscosula Large Mossy Lithacodia
Hyperstrotia pervertens Dotted Graylet
Hyperstrotia villificans White-lined Graylet
Spragueia dama Southern Spragueia
Homophoberia apicosa Black Wedge-spot
Marimatha nigrofimbria Black-bordered Lemon Moth
Ozarba aeria Aerial Brown
Leuconycta diphteroides Green Leuconycta
Acronicta betulae Birch Dagger Moth
Acronicta ovata Ovate Dagger Moth
Acronicta impleta Yellow-haired Dagger Moth
Simyra insularis Henry's Marsh Moth
Acronicta afflicta Afflicted Dagger Moth
Polygrammate hebraeicum The Hebrew
Acronicta haesitata Hesitant Dagger Moth
Acronicta oblinita Smeared Dagger Moth
Harrisimemna trisignata Harris' Three Spot
Acronicta lobeliae Lobelia Dagger Moth
Acronicta increta Raspberry Bud Dagger Moth
Acronicta americana American Dagger Moth
Chytonix palliatricula Cloaked Marvel
Callopistria floridensis Florida Fern Moth
Athetis tarda The Slow Poke
Condica mobilis Mobile Groundling
Spodoptera frugiperda Fall Armyworm Moth
Oligia modica Black-banded Brocade
Amphipyra pyramidoides Copper Underwing
Spodoptera ornithogalli Yellow-striped Armyworm Moth
Phosphila miselioides Spotted Phosphila
Condica videns White-dotted Groundling
Azenia obtusa Obtuse Yellow
Nedra ramosula Gray Half-Spot
Condica vecors Dusky Groundling
Galgula partita The Wedgling
Sunira bicolorago Bicolored Sallow
Maliattha synochitis Black-dotted Maliattha
Pseudeustrotia carneola Pink-barred Pseudeustrotia
Charadra deridens The Laugher
Trichoplusia ni Cabbage Looper Moth
Argyrogramma verruca Golden Looper Moth
Rachiplusia ou Gray Looper Moth
Autographa precationis The Common Looper Moth
Anagrapha falcifera Celery Looper Moth
Chrysodeixis includens Soybean Looper Moth
Enigmogramma basigera Pink-washed Looper Moth
Allagrapha aerea Unspotted Looper Moth
Ctenoplusia oxygramma Sharp-stigma Looper Moth
Nephelodes minians Bronzed Cutworm Moth
Elaphria grata Grateful Midget
Lacinipolia renigera Bristly Cutworm Moth
Elaphria versicolor Variegated Midget
Mythimna unipuncta Armyworm Moth
Lacinipolia laudabilis Laudable Arches
Lacinipolia explicata Explicit Arches
Elaphria chalcedonia Chalcedony Midget
Morrisonia confusa Confused Woodgrain
Achatia distincta Distinct Quaker
Orthodes majuscula Rustic Quaker
Orthosia hibisci Speckled Green Fruitworm Moth
Orthosia alurina Gray Quaker
Agrotis gladiaria Swordsman Dart
Feltia jaculifera Dingy Cutworm Moth
Spodoptera eridania Southern Armyworm Moth
Agrotis ipsilon Ipsilon Dart
Acherdoa ferraria Chocolate Moth
Choephora fungorum Bent-Line Dart
Feltia herilis Master's Dart
Feltia subterranea Subterranean Dart Moth
Anicla infecta Green Cutworm Moth
Pyreferra hesperidago Mustard Sallow
Noctua pronuba European Yellow Underwing
Abagrotis alternata Greater Red Dart
Feltia subgothica Subgothic Dart
Peridroma saucia Variegated Cutworm Moth
Agnorisma badinodis Pale-banded Dart
Xestia dolosa Greater Black-letter Dart
Schinia trifascia Three-lined Flower Moth
Schinia arcigera Arcigera Flower Moth
Schinia rivulosa Ragweed Flower Moth
Helicoverpa zea Corn Earworm Moth
Chloridea virescens Tobacco Budworm Moth
Eudryas grata Beautiful Wood-nymph
Alypia octomaculata Eight-spotted Forester
Psychomorpha epimenis Grapevine Epimenis
Ogdoconta cinereola Common Pinkband
Erebidae Erebid Moths
Grammia figurata Figured Tiger Moth
Apantesis phalerata Harnessed Moth
Clemensia albata Little White Lichen Moth
Virbia immaculata Immaculate Holomelina
Apantesis vittata Banded Tiger Moth
Hyphantria cunea Fall Webworm Moth
Hypoprepia miniata Scarlet-winged Lichen Moth
Euchaetes egle Milkweed Tussock Moth or Milkweed Tiger Moth
Crambidia uniformis Uniform Lichen Moth
Cycnia tenera Delicate Cycnia or Dogbane Tiger Moth
Hypercompe scribonia Great Leopard Moth
Pyrrharctia isabella Isabella Tiger Moth or Banded Woolybear
Halysidota tessellaris Banded Tussock Moth or Pale Tiger Moth
Spilosoma congrua Agreeable Tiger Moth
Haploa clymene Clymene Moth
Virbia aurantiaca Orange Holomelina
Halysidota harrisii Sycamore Tussock Moth
Cisthene plumbea Lead-Colored Lichen Moth
Cisseps fulvicollis Yellow-collared Scape Moth
Spilosoma virginica Virginian Tiger Moth or Yellow Woolybear Moth
Bleptina caradrinalis Bent-winged Owlet Moth
Chytolita morbidalis Morbid Owlet Moth
Zanclognatha lituralis Lettered Zanclognatha
Palthis asopialis Faint-spotted Palthis Moth
Palthis angulalis Dark-spotted Palthis Moth
Redectis pygmaea Pygmy Redectis
Renia adspergillus Speckled Renia Moth
Renia sobrialis Sober Renia Moth
Tetanolita floridana Florida Tetanolita Moth
Zanclognatha cruralis-obscuripennis Early Zanclognatha Moth/Dark Zanclognatha Moth
Phalaenostola larentioides Black-banded Owlet Moth
Phalaenophana pyramusalis Dark-banded Owlet Moth
Renia discoloralis Discolored Renia Moth
Lascoria ambigualis Ambiguous Moth
Idia americalis American Idia Moth
Zanclognatha obscuripennis Dark Zanclognatha Moth
Tetanolita mynesalis Smoky Tetanolita Moth
Zanclognatha pedipilalis Grayish Zanclognatha Moth
Idia lubricalis Glossy Black Idia Moth
Idia aemula Common Idia Moth
Hypena madefactalis Gray-edged Bomolocha Moth
Hypena baltimoralis Baltimore Bomolocha Moth
Hypena palparia Mottled Bomolocha Moth
Hypena scabra Green Cloverworm Moth
Spargaloma sexpunctata Six-spotted Gray Moth
Hypena abalienalis White-Lined Bomolocha Moth
Hypena humuli Hop Vine Moth
Colobochyla interpuncta Yellow-lined Owlet
Hypenodes fractilinea Broken Lined Hypenodes Moth
Schrankia macula Black-spotted Schrankia
Parallelia bistriaris Maple Looper Moth
Metalectra richardsi Richard's Fungus Moth
Scolecocampa liburna Dead-wood Borer Moth
Phoberia atomaris Common Oak Moth
Catocala amatrix Sweetheart Underwing
Catocala connubialis Connubial Underwing
Metalectra tantillus Black Fungus Moth
Catocala piatrix The Penitent Underwing
Zale lunata Lunate Zale
Arugisa lutea Common Arugisa
Plusiodonta compressipalpis Moonseed Moth
Catocala lineella Girlfriend Underwing
Zale obliqua Oblique Zale
Zale minerea Colorful Zale
Caenurgina erechtea Forage Looper Moth
Catocala ilia Ilia Underwing
Melipotis jucunda Merry Melipotis
Phyprosopus callitrichoides Curve-lined Owlet
Isogona tenuis Thin-lined Owlet
Ledaea perditalis Lost Owlet Moth
Metalectra discalis Common Fungus Moth
Metalectra quadrisignata Four-spotted Fungus Moth
Arugisa latiorella Watson's Arugisa
Allotria elonympha False Underwing
Panopoda rufimargo Red-lined Panopoda
Panopoda carneicosta Brown Panopoda
Anticarsia gemmatalis Velvetbean Caterpillar Moth
Mocis texana Texas Mocis
Lesmone detrahens Detracted Owlet
Celiptera frustulum Black Bit Moth
Rivula propinqualis Spotted Grass Moth
Orgyia leucostigma White-marked Tussock Moth
Rusicada privata Hibiscus-leaf Caterpillar
Euteliidae Euteliid Moths
Paectes abrostoloides Large Paectes
Nolidae Tuft Moths
Baileya australis Small Baileya
Oecophoridae Concealer Moths
Martyringa xeraula Himalayan Grain Moth
Promalactis suzukiella Suzuki's Promalactis Moth
Nepticulidae Pygmy Moths or Midget Moths
Ectoedemia sp. Unidentified Ectodoemia Moths
Tischeriidae Tischeriid Moths
Tischeria quercitella Oak Blotchminer
Prodoxidae Yucca Moths
Heliozelidae Shield Bearer Moths
Antispila nysaefoliella Tupelo Leafminer
Tineidae Clothes Moths
Acrolophus mycetophagus Frilly Grass Tubeworm Moth
Acrolophus popeanella Clemens' Grass Tubeworm Moth
Acrolophus arcanellus Grass Tubeworm Moth
Mea bipunctella Two-spotted Mea Moth
Monopis crocicapitella Bird Nest Moth
Gracillariidae Leaf Blotch Miner Moths
Caloptilia rhoifoliella Sumac Leafblotch Miner
Caloptilia azaleella Azalea Leafminer
Cameraria hamadryadella Solitary Oak Leafminer Moth
Cremastobombycia solidaginis Goldenrod Leaf Miner
Cameraria cincinnatiella Gregarious Oak Leafminer Moth
Elachistidae Grass Miner Moths
Psilocorsis cryptolechiella Black-fringed Psilocorsis Moth
Psilocorsis reflexella Dotted Leaftier Moth
Psilocorsis quercicella Oak Leaftier Moth
Machimia tentoriferella Gold-striped Leaftier Moth
Antaeotricha leucillana Pale Gray Bird-dropping Moth
Autostichidae Autostichid Moths
Oegoconia novimundi Four-spotted Yellowneck
Autosticha kyotensis Kyoto Moth
Blastobasidae Blastobasid Moths
Calosima dianella Eastern Pine Catkin Borer Moth
Coleophoridae Coleophorid Case-bearers
Blastobasis glandulella Acorn Moth
Coleophora laticornella Pecan Cigar Casebearer Moth
Coleophora cratipennella Streaked Coleophora Moth
Batrachedridae Batrachedrid Moths
Cosmopterigidae Cosmopterigid Moths
Gelechiidae Twirler Moths
Battaristis n. sp. Undescribed Battaristis Moths
Battaristis vittella Stripe-backed Moth
Coleotechnites florae Coleotechnites Flower Moth
Mesophleps adustipennis Soybean Webworm Moth
Fascista cercerisella Redbud Leaffolder Moth
Exoteleia pinifoliella Pine Needleminer Moth
Dichomeris ligulella Palmerworm Moth
Dichomeris picrocarpa Black-edged Dichomeris Moth
Dichomeris siren Least Dichomeris Moth
Scythrididae Scythridid Moths
Glyphidoceridae Glyphidocerid Moths
Glyphidocera juniperella Juniper Tip Moth
Epermeniidae Epermeniid Moths
Glyphipterigidae Sedge Moths
Diploschizia impigritella Yellow Nutsedge Moth
Plutellidae Plutellid Moths
Plutella xylostella Diamondback Moth
Yponomeutidae Yponomeutid Moths
Atteva aurea Ailanthus Webworm Moth
Yponomeuta multipunctella American Ermine Moth
Argyresthia oreasella Cherry Shoot Borer
Acrolepiidae False Diamondback Moths
Bucculatricidae Bucculatricid Moths
Bucculatrix canadensisella Birch Skeletonizer Moth
Galacticidae Galacticid Moths
Homadaula anisocentra Mimosa Webworm Moth
Choreutidae Choreuitid Moths
Tebenna gnaphaliella Everlasting Tebenna Moth
Sesiidae Sesiid Moths
Synanthedon acerrubri Red Maple Borer
Carmenta pyralidiformis The Boneset Borer
Melittia cucurbitae Squash Vine Borer
Carmenta bassiformis Eupatorium Borer Moth
Synanthedon rhododendri Rhododendron Borer Moth
Cossidae Cossid Moths, Carpenter Moths
Prionoxystus macmurtrei Little Carpenterworm Moth
Prionoxystus robiniae Carpenterworm Moth
Givira anna Anna Carpenterworm Moth
Tortricidae Tortricid Moths
Gretchena bolliana Pecan Bud Moth
Epiblema otiosana Bidens Borer Moth
Olethreutes furfuranum Woolly-backed Moth
Eucosma cocana Shortleaf Pinecone Borer Moth
Chimoptesis pennsylvaniana Filigreed Chimoptesis
Notocelia rosaecolana Doubleday's Notocelia Moth
Sereda tautana Speckled Sereda Moth
Cydia caryana Hickory Shuckworm Moth
Pelochrista dorsisignatana Triangle-backed Eucosma
Episimus tyrius Maple Tip Borer Moth
Olethreutes lacunana Lacuna Moth
Rhyacionia rigidana Pitch Pine Tip Moth
Eucosma gloriola Eastern Pine Shoot Borer Moth
Phaecasiophora confixana Macrame Moth
Rhyacionia frustrana Nantucket Pine Tip Moth
Petrova comstockiana Pitch Twig Moth
Phaecasiophora niveiguttana Labyrinth Moth
Sonia paraplesiana Hebrew Sonia Moth
Ecdytolopha insiticiana Locust Twig Borer Moth
Grapholita delineana Eurasian Hemp Moth
Eumarozia malachitana Sculptured Moth
Phaneta ochroterminana Buff-tipped Phaneta Moth
Grapholita molesta Oriental Fruit Moth
Cydia latiferreana Filbertworm Moth
Endothenia hebesana Verbena Bud Moth
Argyrotaenia kimballi Kimball's Leafroller Moth
Acleris semipurpurana Oak Leaftier Moth
Sparganothoides lentiginosana Lentiginos Moth
Archips semiferana Oak Leafroller Moth
Coelostathma discopunctana The Batman Moth
Argyrotaenia velutinana Red Banded Leafroller Moth
Choristoneura rosaceana Oblique-banded Leafroller Moth
Cochylis ringsi Rings' Cochylid Moth
Acleris flavivittana Masked Leafroller
Cenopis reticulatana Reticulated Fruitworm Moth
Argyrotaenia pinatubana Pine Tube Moth
Choristoneura parallela Spotted Fireworm Moth
Sparganothis sulfureana Sparganothis Fruitworm Moth
Argyrotaenia quercifoliana Oak Leafroller
Pandemis limitata Three-lined Leafroller Moth
Platynota idaeusalis Tufted Apple-Bud Moth
Clepsis peritana Garden Tortrix
Aethes seriatana Seriated Aethes Moth
Rolandylis maiana Kearfott's Rolandylis Moth
Zygaenidae Zygaenid Moths
Pyromorpha dimidiata Orange-patched Smoky Moth
Acoloithus falsarius Clemens' False Skeletonizer
Harrisina americana Grapeleaf Skeletonizer Moth
Megalopygidae Flannel Moths
Megalopyge opercularis Southern Flannel Moth
Limacodidae Limacodids, Slug Caterpillar Moths
Tortricidia testacea Warm-chevroned Moth
Acharia stimulea Saddleback Caterpillar Moth
Isa textula Crowned Slug Moth
Adoneta spinuloides Purple-crested Slug Moth
Natada nasoni Nason's Slug Moth
Apoda y inversum Yellow-collared Slug Moth
Tortricidia pallida Red-Crossed Button Slug
Prolimacodes badia Skiff Moth
Parasa chloris Smaller Parasa
Crambidae Crambid Snout Moths
Elophila icciusalis Pondside Pyralid
Parapoynx obscuralis Obscure Pondweed Moth
Petrophila canadensis Canadian Petrophila
Elophila obliteralis Waterlily Leafcutter Moth
Petrophila bifascialis Two-banded Petrophila
Chrysendeton medicinalis Bold Medicine Moth
Crambus praefectellus Common Grass-veneer Moth
Microcrambus biguttellus Gold-stripe Grass-veneer Moth
Microcrambus elegans Elegant Grass-veneer
Parapediasia teterrella Bluegrass Webworm Moth
Fissicrambus mutabilis Changeable Grass-veneer
Glaphyria fulminalis Black-patched Glaphyria Moth
Chalcoela iphitalis Sooty Winged Chalcoela Moth
Glaphyria sesquistrialis White-roped Glaphyria
Pilocrocis ramentalis Scraped Pilocrocis
Herpetogramma bipunctalis Two-spotted Herpetogramma
Herpetogramma phaeopteralis Dusky Herpetogramma
Uresiphita reversalis Genista Broom Moth
Desmia funeralis Grape Leaffolder Moth
Herpetogramma theseusalis Herpetogramma Moth
Nomophila nearctica Lucerne Moth
Saucrobotys futilalis Dogbane Saucrobotys Moth
Diastictis ventralis White-spotted Brown Moth
Pyrausta inornatalis Southern Pink Moth
Patania silicalis Herbivorous Pleuroptya Moth
Hymenia perspectalis Spotted Beet Webworm Moth
Pantographa limata Linden-Leafroller Moth
Ostrinia obumbratalis Smartweed Borer Moth
Diaphania nitidalis Pickleworm Moth
Herpetogramma fluctuosalis Greater Sweetpotato Webworm Moth
Spoladea recurvalis Hawaiian Beet Webworm
Palpita magniferalis Splendid Palpita
Duponchelia fovealis Exotic Greenhouse Invasive
Glyphodes pyloalis Beautiful Glyphodes
Palpita kimballi Kimball's Palpita Moth
Eudonia strigalis Striped Eudonia
Pyralidae Pyralid Moths
Galasa nigrinodis Boxwood Leaftier
Pococera expandens Double-humped Pococera Moth
Oneida lunulalis Orange-tufted Oneida Moth
Epipaschia superatalis Dimorphic Macalla Moth
Pococera asperatella Maple Webworm Moth
Galleria mellonella Greater Wax Moth
Aphomia sociella Bee Moth
Aphomia terrenella Terrenella Bee Moth
Omphalocera munroei Asimina webworm moth
Moodna ostrinella Darker Moodna Moth
Acrobasis exsulella Cordovan Pyralid
Euzophera ostricolorella Root Collar Borer
Homoeosoma electella Sunflower Moth
Sciota uvinella Sweetgum Leafroller Moth
Peoria approximella Carmine Snout Moth
Euzophera semifuneralis American Plum Borer
Actrix nyssaecolella Tupelo Leaffolder
Sciota subcaesiella Locust Leafroller Moth
Dioryctria amatella Southern Pineconeworm Moth
Dioryctria zimmermani Zimmerman Pine Moth
Laetilia coccidivora Scale-feeding Snout Moth
Caudellia apyrella Crescent-winged Caudellia Moth
Pyralis farinalis Meal Moth
Dolichomia intermedialis Red-shawled Moth
Aglossa caprealis Stored Grain Moth
Thyrididae Thyridid Moths
Thyris maculata Spotted Thyris
Pterophoridae Pterophorid Moths, Plume Moths
Geina periscelidactylus Grape Plume Moth
Emmelina monodactyla Morning-glory Plume Moth
Pselnophorus belfragei Belfrage's Plume Moth
Geometridae Geometer Moths, Looper Moths
Macaria bisignata Red-headed inchworm
Prochoerodes lineola Large Maple Spanworm Moth
Speranza pustularia Lesser Maple Spanworm Moth
Pero morrisonaria Morrison's Pero
Epimecis hortaria Tulip-Tree Beauty
Eusarca confusaria Confused Eusarca
Iridopsis defectaria Brown-shaded Gray
Digrammia ocellinata Faint-spotted Angle
Patalene olyzonaria Juniper Geometer
Besma quercivoraria Oak Besma
Lambdina fervidaria Curve-lined Looper
Protoboarmia porcelaria Porcelain Gray
Macaria transitaria Blurry Chocolate Angle
Phigalia denticulata Toothed Phigalia
Anavitrinella pampinaria Common Gray
Glenoides texanaria Texas Gray
Euchlaena obtusaria Obtuse Euchlaena
Hypagyrtis unipunctata One-Spotted Variant
Pero ancetaria Hübner's Pero
Digrammia gnophosaria Hollow-spotted Angle
Ectropis crepuscularia The Small Engrailed
Macaria minorata Minor Angle Moth
Phigalia strigataria Small Phigalia
Macaria aemulataria Common Angle
Macaria multilineata Many-lined Angle
Metarranthis obfirmaria Yellow-washed Metarranthis
Euchlaena amoenaria Deep Yellow Euchlaena
Eutrapela clemataria Curved-Toothed Geometer
Melanolophia canadaria Canadian melanolophia
Macaria promiscuata Promiscuous Angle
Digrammia continuata Curve-lined Angle
Synchlora aerata Wavy-Lined Emerald
Nemoria bistriaria Red-fringed Emerald
Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria Blackberry Looper Moth
Nemoria lixaria Red-bordered Emerald
Synchlora frondaria Southern Emerald
Eulithis gracilineata Greater Grapevine Looper Moth
Horisme intestinata Brown Bark Carpet
Disclisioprocta stellata Somber Carpet
Xanthorhoe lacustrata Toothed Brown Carpet
Eubaphe mendica The Beggar
Hydriomena transfigurata The Transfigured Hydriomena
Anticlea multiferata Many-lined Carpet
Costaconvexa centrostrigaria The Bent-line Carpet
Heterophleps triguttaria Three-spotted Fillip
Orthonama obstipata The Gem
Rheumaptera prunivorata Ferguson's Scallop Shell
Alsophila pometaria Fall Cankerworm Moth
Cyclophora packardi Packard's Wave
Scopula limboundata Large Lace-border
Pleuroprucha insulsaria Common Tan Wave
Lobocleta ossularia Drab Brown Wave
Idaea demissaria Red-Bordered Wave
Haematopis grataria Chickweed Geometer
Apatelodidae Apatelodid Moths
Olceclostera angelica The Angel Moth
Lasiocampidae Lasiocampid Moths
Malacosoma americanum Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth
Malacosoma disstria Forest Tent Caterpillar Moth
Tolype notialis Small Tolype Moth