Regional Species Checklists
Louisiana, United States
The BAMONA database currently includes verified sighting records for 864 species from this region.
Nolidae Tuft Moths
Meganola minuscula Confused Meganola
Meganola spodia Ashy Meganola
Nola triquetrana Three-spotted Nola Moth
Baileya ophthalmica Eyed Baileya
Baileya dormitans Sleeping Baileya Moth
Baileya doubledayi Doubleday's Baileya
Oecophoridae Concealer Moths
Tineidae Clothes Moths
Acrolophus popeanella Clemens' Grass Tubeworm Moth
Acrolophus mycetophagus Frilly Grass Tubeworm Moth
Acrolophus texanella Texas Grass Tubeworm Moth
Psychidae Psychids, Bagworm Moths
Gracillariidae Leaf Blotch Miner Moths
Acrocercops n. sp. Leaf Blotch Miner Moth
Elachistidae Grass Miner Moths
Psilocorsis cryptolechiella Black-fringed Psilocorsis Moth
Autostichidae Autostichid Moths
Autosticha kyotensis Kyoto Moth
Coleophoridae Coleophorid Case-bearers
Blastobasis glandulella Acorn Moth
Momphidae Momphid Moths
Cosmopterigidae Cosmopterigid Moths
Gelechiidae Twirler Moths
Anacampsis coverdalella Coverdale's Anacampsis Moth
Mesophleps adustipennis Soybean Webworm Moth
Coleotechnites florae Coleotechnites Flower Moth
Battaristis vittella Stripe-backed Moth
Dichomeris ligulella Palmerworm Moth
Glyphidoceridae Glyphidocerid Moths
Glyphidocera juniperella Juniper Tip Moth
Carposinidae Carposinid Moths
Carposina sasakii Peach Fruit Moth
Plutellidae Plutellid Moths
Plutella xylostella Diamondback Moth
Yponomeutidae Yponomeutid Moths
Atteva aurea Ailanthus Webworm Moth
Lacturidae Tropical Burnet Moths
Bucculatricidae Bucculatricid Moths
Galacticidae Galacticid Moths
Homadaula anisocentra Mimosa Webworm Moth
Choreutidae Choreuitid Moths
Tebenna gnaphaliella Everlasting Tebenna Moth
Sesiidae Sesiid Moths
Synanthedon acerni Maple Callus Borer Moth
Synanthedon exitiosa Peachtree Borer Moth
Synanthedon rileyana Riley's Clearwing
Cossidae Cossid Moths, Carpenter Moths
Prionoxystus robiniae Carpenterworm Moth
Givira anna Anna Carpenterworm Moth
Tortricidae Tortricid Moths
Grapholita molesta Oriental Fruit Moth
Bactra lancealana Black-blotched Bactra Moth
Sonia constrictana Constricted Sonia Moth
Episimus tyrius Maple Tip Borer Moth
Epiblema otiosana Bidens Borer Moth
Cydia albimaculana White-marked Cydia Moth
Eumarozia malachitana Sculptured Moth
Cydia caryana Hickory Shuckworm Moth
Sereda tautana Speckled Sereda Moth
Crocidosema plebejana Cotton Tipworm Moth
Pseudexentera spoliana Bare-patched Oak Leafroller
Endothenia hebesana Verbena Bud Moth
Cydia latiferreana Filbertworm Moth
Gretchena bolliana Pecan Bud Moth
Sparganothoides lentiginosana Lentiginos Moth
Coelostathma discopunctana The Batman Moth
Archips rileyana Southern Ugly-nest Caterpillar Moth
Aethes razowskii Razowski's Aethes Moth
Cochylis hospes Banded Sunflower Moth
Argyrotaenia quercifoliana Oak Leafroller
Choristoneura parallela Spotted Fireworm Moth
Platynota rostrana Omnivorous Platynota Moth
Archips argyrospila Fruit-tree Leafroller Moth
Clepsis peritana Garden Tortrix
Choristoneura rosaceana Oblique-banded Leafroller Moth
Archips semiferana Oak Leafroller Moth
Acleris semipurpurana Oak Leaftier Moth
Cenopis reticulatana Reticulated Fruitworm Moth
Sparganothis sulfureana Sparganothis Fruitworm Moth
Rudenia leguminana Black-tipped Rudenia Moth
Platynota idaeusalis Tufted Apple-Bud Moth
Zygaenidae Zygaenid Moths
Acoloithus falsarius Clemens' False Skeletonizer
Harrisina americana Grapeleaf Skeletonizer Moth
Megalopygidae Flannel Moths
Megalopyge opercularis Southern Flannel Moth
Norape cretata White Flannel Moth
Lagoa crispata Black-waved Flannel Moth
Limacodidae Limacodids, Slug Caterpillar Moths
Heterogenea shurtleffi Red-eyed Button Slug Moth
Tortricidia pallida Red-Crossed Button Slug
Isochaetes beutenmuelleri Spun Glass Slug Moth
Lithacodes fasciola Yellow-shouldered Slug Moth
Acharia stimulea Saddleback Caterpillar Moth
Monoleuca semifascia Pin-striped Slug Moth
Natada nasoni Nason's Slug Moth
Isa textula Crowned Slug Moth
Parasa chloris Smaller Parasa
Parasa indetermina Stinging Rose Caterpillar Moth
Adoneta spinuloides Purple-crested Slug Moth
Euclea delphinii Spiny Oak-slug Moth
Prolimacodes badia Skiff Moth
Apoda biguttata Shagreened Slug Moth
Phobetron pithecium Hag Moth
Apoda y inversum Yellow-collared Slug Moth
Crambidae Crambid Snout Moths
Elophila obliteralis Waterlily Leafcutter Moth
Elophila icciusalis Pondside Pyralid
Parapoynx allionealis Watermilfoil Leafcutter Moth
Parapoynx seminealis Floating-heart Waterlilly Moth
Argyria auratella Curve-lined Argyria
Microcrambus elegans Elegant Grass-veneer
Parapediasia teterrella Bluegrass Webworm Moth
Fissicrambus haytiellus Carpet-grass Webworm Moth
Parapediasia decorellus Graceful Grass-veneer
Argyria lacteella Milky Urola Moth
Crambus laqueatellus Eastern Grass-veneer
Argyria critica Straight-lined Argyria
Chalcoela iphitalis Sooty Winged Chalcoela Moth
Glaphyria basiflavalis Basal-dash Glaphyria Moth
Glaphyria glaphyralis Common Glaphyria
Glaphyria sesquistrialis White-roped Glaphyria
Herpetogramma bipunctalis Two-spotted Herpetogramma
Pyrausta laticlavia Southern Purple Mint Moth
Palpita kimballi Kimball's Palpita Moth
Udea rubigalis Celery Leaftier Moth
Uresiphita reversalis Genista Broom Moth
Nomophila nearctica Lucerne Moth
Herpetogramma fluctuosalis Greater Sweetpotato Webworm Moth
Ostrinia obumbratalis Smartweed Borer Moth
Glyphodes pyloalis Beautiful Glyphodes
Hymenia perspectalis Spotted Beet Webworm Moth
Saucrobotys futilalis Dogbane Saucrobotys Moth
Herpetogramma phaeopteralis Dusky Herpetogramma
Syngamia florella Red-waisted Florella Moth
Diaphania hyalinata Melonworm Moth
Palpita magniferalis Splendid Palpita
Pyrausta inornatalis Southern Pink Moth
Pilocrocis ramentalis Scraped Pilocrocis
Spoladea recurvalis Hawaiian Beet Webworm
Samea castellalis Stained-glass Moth
Pyralidae Pyralid Moths
Pococera asperatella Maple Webworm Moth
Epipaschia superatalis Dimorphic Macalla Moth
Pococera robustella Pine Webworm Moth
Omphalocera munroei Asimina webworm moth
Galleria mellonella Greater Wax Moth
Ephestia kuehniella Mediterranean Flour Moth
Dioryctria amatella Southern Pineconeworm Moth
Peoria longipalpella Long-palps Peoria Moth
Euzophera semifuneralis American Plum Borer
Plodia interpunctella Indian-Meal Moth
Elasmopalpus lignosellus Lesser Cornstalk Borer
Moodna ostrinella Darker Moodna Moth
Dioryctria pygmaeella Bald Cypress Coneworm Moth
Sciota uvinella Sweetgum Leafroller Moth
Acrobasis exsulella Cordovan Pyralid
Hypsopygia binodulalis Pink-fringed Dolichomia Moth
Thyrididae Thyridid Moths
Pseudothyris sepulchralis Mournful Thyris
Pterophoridae Pterophorid Moths, Plume Moths
Pselnophorus belfragei Belfrage's Plume Moth
Emmelina monodactyla Morning-glory Plume Moth
Hellinsia kellicottii Goldenrod Borer Plume Moth
Geometridae Geometer Moths, Looper Moths
Psamatodes abydata Dot-lined Angle Moth
Metarranthis obfirmaria Yellow-washed Metarranthis
Hypagyrtis unipunctata One-Spotted Variant
Xanthotype rufaria Rufous Geometer Moth
Digrammia continuata Curve-lined Angle
Melanchroia chephise White-tipped Black
Nematocampa resistaria Horned Spanworm Moth
Pero ancetaria Hübner's Pero
Eusarca confusaria Confused Eusarca
Cleora sublunaria Double-lined Gray
Eutrapela clemataria Curved-Toothed Geometer
Iridopsis vellivolata Large Purplish Gray
Melanolophia signataria Signate Melanolophia
Phigalia strigataria Small Phigalia
Euchlaena amoenaria Deep Yellow Euchlaena
Iridopsis defectaria Brown-shaded Gray
Lycia ypsilon Wooly Gray
Phigalia denticulata Toothed Phigalia
Prochoerodes lineola Large Maple Spanworm Moth
Macaria multilineata Many-lined Angle
Xanthotype urticaria False Crocus Geometer
Digrammia gnophosaria Hollow-spotted Angle
Phaeoura quernaria Oak Beauty
Protoboarmia porcelaria Porcelain Gray
Paleacrita vernata Spring Cankerworm Moth
Macaria distribuaria Southern Chocolate Angle
Isturgia dislocaria Pale-viened Enconista
Euchlaena obtusaria Obtuse Euchlaena
Macaria aemulataria Common Angle
Patalene olyzonaria Juniper Geometer
Macaria transitaria Blurry Chocolate Angle
Tetracis crocallata Yellow Slant-line
Epimecis hortaria Tulip-Tree Beauty
Lomographa vestaliata White Spring Moth
Anavitrinella pampinaria Common Gray
Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria Blackberry Looper Moth
Synchlora frondaria Southern Emerald
Dichorda iridaria Showy Emerald
Synchlora aerata Wavy-Lined Emerald
Eubaphe mendica The Beggar
Eulithis gracilineata Greater Grapevine Looper Moth
Eupithecia sp. Unknown Eupithecia species
Dyspteris abortivaria The Bad-wing
Disclisioprocta stellata Somber Carpet
Orthonama obstipata The Gem
Costaconvexa centrostrigaria The Bent-line Carpet
Horisme intestinata Brown Bark Carpet
Anticlea multiferata Many-lined Carpet
Idaea scintillularia Diminutive Wave
Timandra amaturaria Cross-lined Waved
Haematopis grataria Chickweed Geometer
Cyclophora myrtaria Waxmyrtle Wave Moth
Lobocleta ossularia Drab Brown Wave
Cyclophora packardi Packard's Wave
Idaea obfusaria Rippled Wave
Idaea tacturata Dot-lined Wave
Pleuroprucha insulsaria Common Tan Wave
Pleuroprucha asthenaria Asthene Wave
Idaea furciferata Notch-winged Wave
Scopula limboundata Large Lace-border
Scopula inductata Soft-lined Wave
Idaea demissaria Red-Bordered Wave
Apatelodidae Apatelodid Moths
Apatelodes torrefacta Spotted Apatelodes Moth
Lasiocampidae Lasiocampid Moths
Malacosoma disstria Forest Tent Caterpillar Moth
Malacosoma americanum Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth
Phyllodesma americana Lappet Moth
Phyllodesma occidentis Southern Lappet Moth
Artace cribraria Dot-lined White
Tolype velleda Large Tolype Moth
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