Regional Species Checklists
Iowa, United States
The BAMONA database currently includes verified sighting records for 1065 species from this region.
Erebidae Erebid Moths
Virbia opella Tawny Holomelina
Grammia oithona Oithona Tiger Moth
Cycnia inopinatus Unexpected Cycnia
Hypoprepia fucosa Painted Lichen Moth
Spilosoma latipennis Pink-Legged Tiger Moth
Virbia ferruginosa Rusty Holomelina
Apantesis phalerata Harnessed Moth
Cycnia tenera Delicate Cycnia or Dogbane Tiger Moth
Clemensia albata Little White Lichen Moth
Spilosoma congrua Agreeable Tiger Moth
Virbia aurantiaca Orange Holomelina
Apantesis vittata Banded Tiger Moth
Cycnia oregonensis Oregon Cycnia
Spilosoma dubia Dubious Tiger Moth
Virbia rubicundaria Ruddy Holomelina
Apantesis nais Nais Tiger Moth
Euchaetes egle Milkweed Tussock Moth or Milkweed Tiger Moth
Haploa clymene Clymene Moth
Spilosoma virginica Virginian Tiger Moth or Yellow Woolybear Moth
Virbia immaculata Immaculate Holomelina
Pygarctia abdominalis Yellow-Edged Pygarctia
Haploa contigua The Neighbor
Hypercompe scribonia Great Leopard Moth
Grammia virguncula Little Tiger Moth
Phragmatobia fuliginosa Ruby Tiger Moth
Haploa colona Colona Moth
Halysidota tessellaris Banded Tussock Moth or Pale Tiger Moth
Grammia parthenice Parthenice Tiger Moth
Phragmatobia lineata Lined Ruby Tiger Moth
Ctenucha virginica Virginia Ctenucha
Haploa lecontei Leconte's Haploa
Halysidota harrisii Sycamore Tussock Moth
Apantesis virgo Virgin Tiger Moth
Phragmatobia assimilans Large Ruby Tiger Moth
Chytolita morbidalis Morbid Owlet Moth
Bleptina caradrinalis Bent-winged Owlet Moth
Idia aemula Common Idia Moth
Chytolita petrealis Stone-winged Owlet Moth
Renia factiosalis Sociable Renia Moth
Idia rotundalis Rotund Idia Moth
Macrochilo absorptalis Slant-lined Owlet Moth
Idia diminuendis Orange-spotted Idia
Macrochilo litophora Brown-lined Owlet Moth
Renia flavipunctalis Yellow-spotted Renia Moth
Idia lubricalis Glossy Black Idia Moth
Macrochilo orciferalis Bronzy Macrochilo Moth
Renia sobrialis Sober Renia Moth
Phalaenophana pyramusalis Dark-banded Owlet Moth
Phalaenostola metonalis Pale Epidelta Moth
Lascoria ambigualis Ambiguous Moth
Zanclognatha laevigata Variable Zanclognatha Moth
Phalaenostola eumelusalis Dark Phalaenostola Moth
Palthis angulalis Dark-spotted Palthis Moth
Zanclognatha obscuripennis Dark Zanclognatha Moth
Phalaenostola larentioides Black-banded Owlet Moth
Palthis asopialis Faint-spotted Palthis Moth
Zanclognatha pedipilalis Grayish Zanclognatha Moth
Phalaenostola hanhami Hanham's Owlet Moth
Zanclognatha cruralis Early Zanclognatha Moth
Tetanolita mynesalis Smoky Tetanolita Moth
Zanclognatha ochreipennis Wavy-lined Zanclognatha Moth
Tetanolita floridana Florida Tetanolita Moth
Idia americalis American Idia Moth
Hypena baltimoralis Baltimore Bomolocha Moth
Spargaloma sexpunctata Six-spotted Gray Moth
Hypena bijugalis Dimorphic Bomolocha Moth
Phytometra ernestinana Ernestine's Moth
Hypena palparia Mottled Bomolocha Moth
Phytometra rhodarialis Pink-bordered Yellow Moth
Hypena abalienalis White-Lined Bomolocha Moth
Hypena deceptalis Deceptive Bomolocha Moth
Hypena madefactalis Gray-edged Bomolocha Moth
Hypena sordidula Sordid Bomolocha Moth
Hypena humuli Hop Vine Moth
Hypena manalis Flowing-line Bomolocha Moth
Hypena scabra Green Cloverworm Moth
Hypenodes fractilinea Broken Lined Hypenodes Moth
Catocala robinsoni Robinson's Underwing
Arugisa lutea Common Arugisa
Catocala junctura Joined Underwing Moth
Catocala ilia Ilia Underwing
Scoliopteryx libatrix The Herald
Catocala angusi Angus's Underwing
Tathorhynchus exsiccata Alfalfa Looper Moth
Catocala judith Judith's Underwing
Ascalapha odorata Black Witch
Catocala illecta Magdalen Underwing
Catocala cara Darling Underwing
Zale aeruginosa Green-dusted Zale
Metalectra discalis Common Fungus Moth
Catocala relicta White Underwing
Catocala flebilis Mourning Underwing
Caenurgina crassiuscula Clover Looper Moth
Catocala abbreviatella Abbreviated Underwing
Catocala amatrix Sweetheart Underwing
Metalectra quadrisignata Four-spotted Fungus Moth
Catocala obscura Obscure Underwing
Thysania zenobia Owl Moth
Caenurgina erechtea Forage Looper Moth
Catocala orba Orba Underwing Moth
Catocala gracilis Graceful Underwing
Zale galbanata Maple Zale
Mocis texana Texas Mocis
Catocala residua Residua Underwing
Catocala piatrix The Penitent Underwing
Calyptra canadensis Canadian Owlet
Catocala umbrosa Umbrosa Underwing Moth
Catocala ultronia Ultronia Underwing
Ledaea perditalis Lost Owlet Moth
Zale horrida Horrid Zale
Panopoda carneicosta Brown Panopoda
Catocala retecta The Yellow-Gray Underwing
Catocala epione Epione Underwing
Celiptera frustulum Black Bit Moth
Catocala crataegi Hawthorn Underwing
Catocala grynea Woody Underwing
Spiloloma lunilinea Moon-Lined Moth
Zale lunata Lunate Zale
Catocala titania Titan Underwing
Panopoda rufimargo Red-lined Panopoda
Catocala insolabilis Inconsolable Underwing
Catocala dejecta Dejected Underwing
Cissusa spadix Black-Dotted Brown
Catocala mira Wonderful Underwing
Catocala clintoni Clinton's Underwing
Catocala innubens The Betrothed
Zale lunifera Bold-based Zale
Catocala coccinata Scarlet Underwing
Catocala subnata Youthful Underwing Moth
Catocala vidua The Widow
Euparthenos nubilis Locust Underwing
Catocala blandula Charming Underwing Moth
Catocala similis Similar Underwing
Catocala antinympha Sweetfern Underwing
Zale minerea Colorful Zale
Catocala cerogama Yellow-Banded Underwing
Catocala palaeogama Oldwife Underwing
Catocala minuta Little Underwing
Parallelia bistriaris Maple Looper Moth
Catocala lineella Girlfriend Underwing
Catocala habilis Habilis Underwing
Zale undularis Black Zale
Anticarsia gemmatalis Velvetbean Caterpillar Moth
Catocala unijuga Once-married Underwing
Catocala nebulosa Clouded Underwing
Catocala micronympha Little Nymph Underwing
Isogona tenuis Thin-lined Owlet
Phoberia atomaris Common Oak Moth
Catocala serena Serene Underwing
Zale unilineata One-lined Zale
Argyrostrotis anilis Short-Lined Chocolate
Catocala parta Mother Underwing
Catocala neogama The Bride
Catocala amica Girlfriend Underwing
Lesmone detrahens Detracted Owlet
Plusiodonta compressipalpis Moonseed Moth
Rivula propinqualis Spotted Grass Moth
Dasychira dorsipennata Sharp-lined Tussock Moth
Dasychira basiflava Yellow-based Tussock Moth
Dasychira cinnamomea Cinnamon Tussock Moth
Dasychira obliquata Streaked Tussock Moth
Orgyia leucostigma White-marked Tussock Moth
Euteliidae Euteliid Moths
Marathyssa inficita Dark Marathyssa Moth
Paectes oculatrix Eyed Paectes Moth
Paectes pygmaea Pygmy Paectes
Paectes abrostoloides Large Paectes
Nolidae Tuft Moths
Meganola minuscula Confused Meganola
Nola cilicoides Blurry-patched Nola
Baileya ophthalmica Eyed Baileya
Baileya dormitans Sleeping Baileya Moth
Baileya levitans Pale Baileya
Baileya australis Small Baileya
Oecophoridae Concealer Moths
Opostegidae Opostegid Moths
Adelidae Adelid Moths
Tineidae Clothes Moths
Acrolophus popeanella Clemens' Grass Tubeworm Moth
Psychidae Psychids, Bagworm Moths
Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis Evergreen Bagworm Moth
Gracillariidae Leaf Blotch Miner Moths
Elachistidae Grass Miner Moths
Depressaria pastinacella Parsnip Webworm
Psilocorsis quercicella Oak Leaftier Moth
Psilocorsis reflexella Dotted Leaftier Moth
Antaeotricha leucillana Pale Gray Bird-dropping Moth
Autostichidae Autostichid Moths
Coleophoridae Coleophorid Case-bearers
Blastobasis glandulella Acorn Moth
Coleophora mayrella Metallic Coleophora Moth
Momphidae Momphid Moths
Mompha eloisella Red-streaked Mompha
Cosmopterigidae Cosmopterigid Moths
Limnaecia phragmitella Shy Cosmet
Gelechiidae Twirler Moths
Gnorimoschema gallaesolidaginis Goldenrod Gall Moth
Dichomeris ligulella Palmerworm Moth
Epermeniidae Epermeniid Moths
Plutellidae Plutellid Moths
Plutella xylostella Diamondback Moth
Yponomeutidae Yponomeutid Moths
Atteva aurea Ailanthus Webworm Moth
Yponomeuta multipunctella American Ermine Moth
Sesiidae Sesiid Moths
Melittia cucurbitae Squash Vine Borer
Synanthedon pictipes Lesser Peachtree Borer Moth
Albuna fraxini Virginia Creeper Borer Moth
Cossidae Cossid Moths, Carpenter Moths
Prionoxystus robiniae Carpenterworm Moth
Prionoxystus macmurtrei Little Carpenterworm Moth
Tortricidae Tortricid Moths
Pelochrista cataclystiana Solidago Pelochrista
Hedya separatana Pink-washed Leafroller
Cydia pomonella Codling Moth
Hedya chionosema White-spotted Hedya
Pelochrista dorsisignatana Triangle-backed Eucosma
Ecdytolopha insiticiana Locust Twig Borer Moth
Epiblema otiosana Bidens Borer Moth
Argyrotaenia quercifoliana Oak Leafroller
Platynota idaeusalis Tufted Apple-Bud Moth
Clepsis peritana Garden Tortrix
Coelostathma discopunctana The Batman Moth
Argyrotaenia velutinana Red Banded Leafroller Moth
Sparganothis sulfureana Sparganothis Fruitworm Moth
Choristoneura parallela Spotted Fireworm Moth
Choristoneura rosaceana Oblique-banded Leafroller Moth
Cenopis reticulatana Reticulated Fruitworm Moth
Cenopis pettitana Maple-basswood Leafroller Moth
Cenopis niveana Aproned Cenopis Moth
Zygaenidae Zygaenid Moths
Harrisina americana Grapeleaf Skeletonizer Moth
Limacodidae Limacodids, Slug Caterpillar Moths
Prolimacodes badia Skiff Moth
Isa textula Crowned Slug Moth
Phobetron pithecium Hag Moth
Euclea delphinii Spiny Oak-slug Moth
Tortricidia testacea Warm-chevroned Moth
Lithacodes fasciola Yellow-shouldered Slug Moth
Apoda y inversum Yellow-collared Slug Moth
Apoda biguttata Shagreened Slug Moth
Crambidae Crambid Snout Moths
Elophila obliteralis Waterlily Leafcutter Moth
Fissicrambus mutabilis Changeable Grass-veneer
Parapediasia teterrella Bluegrass Webworm Moth
Diatraea grandiosella Southwestern Corn Borer
Pediasia trisecta Sod Webworm Moth
Microcrambus elegans Elegant Grass-veneer
Evergestis pallidata Purple-backed Cabbageworm
Glaphyria sesquistrialis White-roped Glaphyria
Udea rubigalis Celery Leaftier Moth
Pantographa limata Linden-Leafroller Moth
Saucrobotys fumoferalis Dusky Saucrobotys Moth
Nomophila nearctica Lucerne Moth
Saucrobotys futilalis Dogbane Saucrobotys Moth
Diastictis ventralis White-spotted Brown Moth
Desmia funeralis Grape Leaffolder Moth
Herpetogramma bipunctalis Two-spotted Herpetogramma
Hymenia perspectalis Spotted Beet Webworm Moth
Ostrinia nubilalis European Corn Borer Moth
Palpita atrisquamalis Gracile Palpita
Palpita magniferalis Splendid Palpita
Pyralidae Pyralid Moths
Galasa nigrinodis Boxwood Leaftier
Pococera asperatella Maple Webworm Moth
Pococera expandens Double-humped Pococera Moth
Achroia grisella Lesser Wax Moth
Euzophera semifuneralis American Plum Borer
Peoria approximella Carmine Snout Moth
Pyralis farinalis Meal Moth
Aglossa cuprina Grease Moth
Hypsopygia costalis Clover Hayworm Moth
Thyrididae Thyridid Moths
Pterophoridae Pterophorid Moths, Plume Moths
Platyptilia carduidactyla Artichoke Plume Moth
Hellinsia kellicottii Goldenrod Borer Plume Moth
Geina periscelidactylus Grape Plume Moth
Geometridae Geometer Moths, Looper Moths
Eusarca confusaria Confused Eusarca
Phigalia strigataria Small Phigalia
Digrammia gnophosaria Hollow-spotted Angle
Euchlaena johnsonaria Johnson's Euchlaena
Iridopsis humaria Small Purplish Gray
Macaria promiscuata Promiscuous Angle
Protoboarmia porcelaria Porcelain Gray
Ennomos subsignaria Elm Spanworm Moth
Tetracis crocallata Yellow Slant-line
Paleacrita vernata Spring Cankerworm Moth
Isturgia dislocaria Pale-viened Enconista
Euchlaena amoenaria Deep Yellow Euchlaena
Macaria aequiferaria Woody Angle
Melanolophia canadaria Canadian melanolophia
Selenia kentaria Kent's Geometer
Plagodis serinaria Lemon Plagodis
Tetracis cachexiata White Slant-line
Erannis tiliaria Linden Looper Moth
Glenoides texanaria Texas Gray
Euchlaena tigrinaria Mottled Euchlaena
Eumacaria madopata Brown-bordered Geometer
Melanolophia signataria Signate Melanolophia
Metanema inatomaria Pale Metanema
Plagodis kuetzingi The Purple Plagodis
Eugonobapta nivosaria Snowy Geometer
Lomographa vestaliata White Spring Moth
Euchlaena irraria Least-marked Euchlaena
Macaria notata Birch Angle
Macaria granitata Granite Moth
Plagodis phlogosaria Straight-lined Plagodis
Biston betularia Pepper and Salt Geometer
Metanema determinata Dark Metanema
Eutrapela clemataria Curved-Toothed Geometer
Heliomata cycladata Common Spring Moth
Lomographa glomeraria Gray Spring Moth
Aethalura intertexta Four-barred Gray
Xanthotype urticaria False Crocus Geometer
Trigrammia quadrinotaria Four-spotted Angle
Macaria multilineata Many-lined Angle
Plagodis fervidaria Fervid Plagodis
Lycia ursaria Stout Spanworm
Patalene olyzonaria Juniper Geometer
Speranza pustularia Lesser Maple Spanworm Moth
Cabera erythemaria Yellow-dusted Cream Moth
Iridopsis ephyraria Pale-winged Gray
Xanthotype sospeta Crocus Geometer
Digrammia continuata Curve-lined Angle
Plagodis alcoolaria Hollow-spotted Plagodis
Lycia ypsilon Wooly Gray
Metarranthis hypochraria Common Metarranthis
Cabera variolaria Pink-striped Willow Spanworm
Prochoerodes lineola Large Maple Spanworm Moth
Speranza ribearia Currant Spanworm Moth
Iridopsis defectaria Brown-shaded Gray
Pero honestaria Honest Pero
Digrammia ocellinata Faint-spotted Angle
Besma quercivoraria Oak Besma
Hypagyrtis unipunctata One-Spotted Variant
Erastria coloraria Broad-lined Erastra
Nematocampa resistaria Horned Spanworm Moth
Iridopsis larvaria Bent-Lined Gray
Pero ancetaria Hübner's Pero
Lambdina pellucidaria Yellow-headed Looper
Cepphis armataria Scallop Moth
Lytrosis unitaria Common Lytrosis
Macaria subcessaria Barred Itame
Anavitrinella pampinaria Common Gray
Phaeoura quernaria Oak Beauty
Lambdina fervidaria Curve-lined Looper
Phigalia titea Spiny Looper
Probole alienaria Alien Probole
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