Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Hahncappsia pergilvalis (Hulst, 1886)

Family: Crambidae
Subfamily: Pyraustinae
Identification: forewing light yellowish-tan with brown AM, PM, and ST lines; brown orbicular and reniform spots; AM line arc-shaped with noticeable curving jog near inner margin; PM line wavy, irregular, with abrupt basal jog in lower half; ST line straight, diffuse, darker at both ends and faded near middle; hindwing slightly paler, semi-transparent, with partial PM line
Wing Span: 2.4 cm
Life History:
Flight: adults fly from May to September
Caterpillar Hosts: larvae possibly feed on corn but no confirmed records available
Adult Food:
Range: Ontario and northeastern states (DE, IA, IL, MD, MI, NJ, NY, OH, PA, WV) plus southwestern states (AZ, CA, TX) and perhaps states inbetween but no records were found on the Internet as of June 2008); type specimen collected in Arizona
Management Needs:
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