Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

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Do you have a product or service that you think would interest BAMONA users? If you would like to advertise on this website, contact us by email, or use the contact form and select the "Advertising" category.

Why is there advertising on Butterflies and Moths of North America?

Butterflies and Moths of North America (BAMONA) is a labor-intensive project. We have no dedicated funding or paid staff. Advertising revenue pays for development costs, server space and maintenance, and everything else associated with the project. This project survives only through a lot of hard work and dedication from unpaid staff and volunteers.

In order to make this a more valuable resource, we will continue to modernize the site design, to improve the mapping technology, to offer identification tools, and to improve access to detailed data in the BAMONA database. Many users have expressed their wishes to us over the years, and we have been working behind the scenes on these new features as funding permits.

Without additional financial support, however, desired improvements will not happen in a timely fashion. Therefore, while we continue to seek funding from traditional sources, limited web advertising provides an additional revenue stream to support ongoing development of new features for our loyal users. If you know of a funding mechanism, please contact us.

If you like what we do and would like to help offset costs, consider making a donation to support this site.
