Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

New South Carolina butterfly and moth records

Nine South Carolina records were added to the database: Antheraea polyphemus (Horry County, Chris Fortier), Automeris io (Charleston County, Cheryl Mackey), Danaus gilippus (Georgetown County, Amy Weinmeister), Eacles imperialis (Richland County, John Williams), Limenitis arthemis (Georgetown County, Amy Weinmeister), Limenitis arthemis (Florence County, Terasa M. Young), Phyciodes tharos (Horry County, Lisa Nowakowski), Vanessa virginiensis (Spartanburg County, Diana Collier), and Xylophanes tersa (Horry County, Lisa Nowakowski). (Downer-16Oct09)